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Cigar Defined

Cigars are a type of tobacco product that is rolled in leaves from the tobacco plant. The taste profile and flavor notes of the cigar vary with the country where they are produced and the kind of tobacco used. The tastes and flavors of cigars depend on their tobaccos, which vary by region. For example, Cuban cigars have a sweeter taste while Nicaraguan cigars are stronger in flavor.

Which Cigars Have the Best Aroma?

If you smoke a top premium cigar with a Connecticut Shade wrapper , that cigar is going to have almost like a weedy , honey - type smell in the aroma when you smoke it . If you smoke a Cuban - seed wrapper you're going to get flavors in your mouth of spice , but you're also gonna get that same aroma when you smell the tobacco . And lastly , on a Maduro wrapper, the real thick wrapper has a high sugar content You're gonna get a lot of dark chocolate and sweetness and you're gonna smell that sweetness in the aroma , too so , your sense of smell and your sense of taste really coincide into one .
"Nick Perdomo"