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Omar Ortiz Cigar

Handmade in Nicaragua from the finest tobacco and selected with care so that every cigar you smoke provides an unforgettable smoking experience. With such fine tobacco, it's no wonder Omar Ortiz is a highly coveted cigar.

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Omar Ortez Original Toro Omar Ortez Original Toro

The Omar Ortiz cigar is a well-made and flavorful handmade cigar, made in Nicaragua with 100% Nicaraguan tobacco. These cigars are rolled in the traditional Cuban style, with a fully fermented leaf wrapper, binder, and filler

Wholesale Price: (Members Only)
Omar Ortez Cigar Maduro Toro Omar Ortez Maduro Toro

Tobacco is one of the world's oldest crops and Omar Ortiz cigars pay homage to this tradition. All of the tobacco in these cigars comes from one farm in Nicaragua. They are all rolled at the same factory, crafted by hand and made with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos. These are unadulterated puros, which means that every element—wrapper, binder, and filler—comes from Nicaragua.

Wholesale Price: (Members Only)
Omar Ortez Connecticuts Toro Omar Ortez Connecticuts Toro

Omar Ortez Connecticuts are a great cigar for any occasion and price-point. If you're like most people, you don't have time to appreciate the complexity in your cigars, but with our Connecticuts, the subtle nuances come alive with every puff.

Wholesale Price: (Members Only)